
The store module is for managing data in an application. It is not intended to drive an entire single page application. Instead, it is meant to organize and improve a standard website by making common data shareable across a codebase without contaminating the global namespace. It also allows for easy integration with LocalStorage and SessionStorage.

import $store from 'wee-store';

$store.set('globalProp', true);
$store.get('globalProp'); // true

Using markup to set variables

With any website that is serving only static HTML files, it is a common need to provide data to our JavaScript directly from our markup. Wee has a specific convention for this use-case:

	  <meta data-set="prop" data-value="test">

Any element on the DOM may be given a data-set and data-value attribute. This will set a property in the store module called prop with the value of test. You could then access that property like this:

import $store from 'wee-store';


let prop = $store.get('prop');
console.log(prop); // 'test'

You'll notice how we executed setVar in the example above. That is how our JavaScript knows to look through the DOM and find these data-set and data-value pairs, converting those to variables in our store module. setVar is executed by default in our bootstrap module that is imported in Wee's default entry point app.js. If you have a custom entry point for your application, make sure to import bootstrap or call setVar before trying to access those properties.

Store scope

The default import for the store module is an instance of the Store class. This means that we can create any number of new store instances that can be used however you desire.

import $store from 'wee-store';

$store.set('globalProp', true);
$store.get('globalProp'); // true

const $local = $store.create('local'); // returns instance of Store

$local.set('localProp', true);
$local.get('localProp'); // true
$local.get('globalProp'); // undefined

It is important to note that setVar will set properties on the main store module by default. In order to store properties on a custom store instance, you need to add another attribute to your markup:

<meta data-store="local" data-set="prop" data-value="test">

Adding the data-store attribute to the example will reserve that property for when setVar is called on the store instance with the name of local.

Local and Session Storage

The store module can utilize either LocalStorage or SessionStorage to persist data. When using this feature, there are a few things to keep in mind.

By default, all data added to a store instance will be saved in JavaScript, regardless of whether local or session storage is activated on that instance. This is to keep everything functioning as fast as possible. If it is not desirable to house all data in JavaScript, setting keepInMemory to false will cause the store instance to retrieve data directly from local/session storage anytime $store.get is called which will be less performant. This may be a preferable option if there is a large-ish (local and session storage limits can be as low as 2mb on certain mobile devices) amount of data in a store instance that will be retrieved infrequently. Otherwise, it is best to leave the default settings alone.